NEW shop online now!
You may not have noticed, but things have been changing up around here!
Lockdown has lifted this week - and with everything opening up again, what better time to relaunch my online shop!
I’ve been extremely busy in lockdown, producing my latest collection of abstract mixed media works and now it’s finally time they became available for sale.
Also, just a heads up - each week we get closer to the Christmas season, I’ll be adding some *new* and exciting items perfect for gifting to your loved ones! (Did someone say 2022 calendar?! I know how much you guys loved them last year! PLUS some goodies I’ve never released before!)
Head to the Shop tab to take a peek and keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks.
Once again, thank you for your support over the last few months in lockdown. I couldn’t have gotten through without you!
Liz x