Elizabeth Burton recognised internationally with work accepted into Italian National Library
Elizabeth Burton’s work will be inducted alongside ‘art of significance’ in a national Italian collection in Florence.
The work, Sognare sotto la luna piena (To dream under a full moon), is an Artist’s book hand crafted and by Ms Burton using traditional printmaking and bookmaking techniques.
An official letter from Dr Luca Bellingeri, Director of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale outlined the work would be placed in the Artist’s Book Documentation Fund, which constitutes the most important Italian collection and one of the most notable at European level of this unusual publishing typology.
The Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (National Central Library of Florence) is part of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
“I was delighted to receive a letter notifying me of my work’s acceptance into the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale,” Ms Burton said.
“The book, which is an edition of five, is a collection of collagraphs made with nine individual plates.
“As the name says, it tells a visual story of the full moon, depicting its transition through the different seasons,” she said.